Monday, February 15, 2010

Dear Family

Apologies: (not really)

After LONG time of ignoring you guys. I decided time for me to restart my blog just for you guys. Figured you would like that.


People here are dumb is all I can say about my school. I love education. I hate the people. Anyways, I am majoring in Psychology and I am loving it. I was terrified when I felt this major was right. I didn't believe in myself and I was scared bc I did not think I was plastic. Pscyh term, look it up. I took general studies classes to help me do well in school. I got to say those classes helped me big time. I finally broke my curse of flunking tests. I am slowly gaining confidence in myself. I admit I still struggle. Research papers...I hate them. I am doing my best and I am not behind in my school. I am at good pace where I should be. However, I'm scared of next semester. AAACCCK!!
But no f or ds so far.

Having mom in same town:

She helps me on rides to and from school. I do my best to help her back. She just don't seems to want my help. It is nice having mom nearby (sorry!) because we can discuss on things. Its so nice to have a mentor. And of course, meals on sundays. That is always awesomeness. But last sunday was not so fun. Mom has decided that allowing us to get our own meals causes competition over amount of food we can get before its all gone is no good. This time, she gave us our food her way. We all sat at the table looking at each other and comparing food amounts. I get the sense those kids are too lazy to protest. Either that or mom just had this look on her face, "I will NOT tolerant any FUSS!" Sad day. I just hope she won't repeat that again. It just take fun out of it.


She is getting along with cat roommates. She get bored easily so she picks on one cat. Living with cats is not so bad but if I have my way, NO cats in the house. Depends on a dog. I want to shave my dog sooooo bad. I love her personality but I hate her hair. Amber likes to sneak out while my roommate and I are busy. Bad dog. I still love having her sleeping with me. I hate when she walks over my chest. She is becoming little bit more aggressive with me. When I decided to go to bed and she doesn't want me to go to bed, she will headbutt me. I would pull my blanket over my head but she will just dig at my head. Her days of object permanent has begun. Dang, I thought only humans do that.

About me:

Its hard living with roommates. So much give and take. Its hard hard hard. I don't like it but its hard to focus on good things as well. I need to remember the good things. I found someone who owns a ranch of Tennessee Walkers. I get to train one colt. It is awesome. I dont get to go that often though. Sad day. The owner wants me to come by more often. Relationship wise, I suck at it. I do seriously. I blow them away from me without meaning to. I dress up prettier, wear bit of makeup and make sure that I have mint with me. I struggle getting guys...any advices? Please give. Holly what was your advices again? I know I brushed them off long ago. I now need them. Krista please tell me how do I get a boyfriend? I'm very inept when it comes to boys.


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