Friday, March 19, 2010

Dear Family


I am doing well! As the semester comes near to end, the stress also decreases. Weird I know. I only have one big assignment and presentation left then two finals to study for. One is comprehensive and another is last few chapters. As far as I see, this semester will do well. I'm nervous about next semester though. I now have 3 hard classes and 2 light classes. Am I ready for it? I hope so. This semester I had learn how to study in right way and being ahead so I won't feel overwhelmed with school and drowning. I have to say I am proud of myself this semester. I need to pat myself on back. I have found that passing the tests no longer thrills me. I am told that I need to reward myself every time I did well. I use that to go work with horses. AH! The smell of horses brings me happiness. It prevents me from being burnt out and relaxes me. If I ever get depression, I need a horse. Of course Amber helps. But she's more of hearing dog than emotional dog for me.

She's gonna be shaved soon!! La La LA! Can't wait. I have not able to decide how I'm gonna shave her. Number 10? #7? #5? Or trimming? Hmmmm. Can't decide, can't decide. Nothing fun to say about her life so far. She's complaining about my apt being hot and I got to say I agree with her. Sadly no AC. UGH. But my roomie perfer that way. She thinks 90 is warm and 70 freezing.

My roomie
We fight over my hormones and temperature in our apt. We are learning. You could say that God placed us together to practice our companionship skills. We drive each other batty. One thing I love about her though, she allows me to have my space. She has kept her promise and that I'm grateful. I had thought of moving out but thinking about other apt with more than one roommates scared me off. Luckily Lord blessed me with different option. I will have to go and do research on that. Oh I had fun trimming her cats' front paws. Its so funny to watch the cats trying to jump onto things by their claws and scramble when their reliable claws are taken away.

Oh snap! I forgot to ask mom to do few things. School is my first priority. I will soon take progesterone challenge test by taking pill for 7 days then or if my period hits (that's means I'm supposed to have menstrual every 3 months) I'm supposed to spit into vials and freeze them. When done with that, I will have to mail it before 1pm. Then doctor and I will discussed what's going on with my body. Finally I found a doctor who is honest and upfront with me. I test them by asking them questions to see how they answer. I felt good with this doctor. I also had to fix my medicaid insurance. This doctor will also check if I have what Uncle elwood has. Hopefully not but we'll see right?

I may transport Lucky out to west. And place him with other horses for 100 each month for his rent. I'm so excited for I missed him so much. And I am so glad that I get to work with horses each week. It is so much fun and I could just stay all day and do anything with horses. Finally found someone who loves same breeds as I do. Not common for TWH breeds. *sighs* I'm so excited.

Winter has been tough. It was slow and dragging with school. Now spring is on way and sun is shining longer. I now can explore the town once again. This makes me wish for a car. It drives me batty. Rexburg is hidden surprise. Good ol history buried underneath all the newcomers. Love it! Learning the pasts and melting pots of new and old. Some things ridiculous and some things precious but forgotten forever.

Dating online
I have joined in I did it for fun. Not for reals. Those of you who are panicking and wondering if this girl is experiencing personal fables. I am not. I still believe in traditional dating despite of the dimness of that ever happening. I have also witnessed online dating influences on others. I have already decided that before I signed up, how I want to date. I want to date in mom's days and Brysha's days. However I do have to admit this site makes me laugh. All the boys chasing after me because of my picture. Just a face shot. And no matter what I say, they all take it positively. Oh well, at least I can say I'm beautiful bc someone told me cyber-wise.

Having mom in town
Despite living close to mom, we hardly chat as much. I rarely see her. Or spend more time with them. Funny, people has told me that they prefer me single. Apparently I'm more fun as single than being married. Okay...that does not make sense to me because I have never been married so what are they basing their facts on?

I have noticed that the more I am around people the more mean I am. Makes me feel little bit psychopath. I'm using more psychology terms. They are different than what society thinks they mean. Now I understand why I like to isolate myself with animals because it keeps me in control and less cynical. My hands has been itching to attack and manipulate someone vulnerable. I am not sure how to overcome this. My old way of coping is no longer available. ANy suggestions? I doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny. I am glad you are doing well and enjoying Rexburg. I am sure Lucky would love to get your attention once again.
